A Trip to Russia for  “Iqbal: the tale of a fearless child” and Michel Fuzellier, called to present the film at the Moscow International Film Festival.  In fact, the organization decided to continua...

Cartoon Movie 2015

Lyon – Centre de Congrès, today at 4:15 p.m. Gertie presents to the participants of Cartoon Movie 2015 a sneak preview of the animated feature film “Fearless Child. Dedicated to continua...


Milan Animation Day

On Monday 23, Gertie will attend at Milan Animation Day. The event, which is organized by Cartoon Lombardia with Asseprim, is dedicated to the animation world. A the end of the day will be showed continua...

Welcome back from Bologna!

Bologna Children Book Fair was a huge success! Thanks to all those who went to visit us at our stand in Hall 33, and thanks to our partners – MEDIA Mibact, UNICEF, ALMED Università continua...

Children Book Fair 2014

From March 22 to 27 Gertie , whose target are children and young people, arrives at the new Hall 33 of the Children’s Book Fair in Bologna, recognized throughout the world as an  event for continua...


Gertie will be in Munich on March 25 to 28, called to participate in the first edition of Cartoon 360 which will be held in the Rainbow Room at the Eurostars Grand Central. The continua...


Gertie brings the Cartoon d’Or 2013 in Milan. 10th of December will be the the meeting “Cartoon d’Or for Milan” with the participation of institutions, audiovisual market players and continua...

Cartoon Forum 2013

Gertie will be at Cartoon Forum 2013, that will take place in Toulouse next September. The event is organized by the international association Cartoon, and it will be an important occasion to continua...

At Expodays with Milo

The 18th of May, Gertie in partnership with Piccolo Teatro, is holding a workshop addressed to kids in which children will meet Milo, the rabbit with the red overalls, protagonist of the TV continua...